#TurnitPurple -Pancreatic Cancer

Posted: 9th Nov 2015
Wearing it Purple for Pancreatic Cancer Month 2015
With the turn it purple campaign being a huge success in 2014, 2015 can be just as successful if not even more successful.
For the whole month of November turn it purple calls on everybody to turn it purple and highlight the 5th deadliest cancer. Embrace the purple by shining purple lights on buildings and/or other structures in the community. Wear something purple in the office, at school or just on a day out. Spread awareness!
By turning everything purple it will help raise awareness and generate discussion around Pancreatic Cancer. Which will then result in more people taking a trip to the GP and getting a check-up.
Pancreatic Cancer needs all of us to turn the UK purple this November. It will be fantastic if we can turn purple at every shop, every school, every university or college, every building, everywhere basically!
If you want to get in touch with local businesses PancreaticCancerAction.org have created a turn it purple letter for you to use to help you get started. Just follow the link and it will take you to the page where you can download this.
Also on the page you can find details of how to get involved via social media, you can turn your Twitter and FaceBook background purple and order your turn it purple pack.
Here are a few buildings that have gone Purple…..
City of Coventry Health Centre in Coventry
St James Church in Lincolnshire
Strathpeffer Pavilion in Scotland