World Youth Skills Day

Posted: 15th Jul 2019

Support and be involved in World Youth Skills Day

15th July celebrates World Youth Skills day.

Young people are almost three times more likely to be unemployed than adults and continuously exposed to lower quality of jobs, greater labor market inequalities, and longer and more insecure school-to-work transitions. In addition, women are more likely to be underemployed and under-paid, and to undertake part-time jobs or work under temporary contracts.

That is why education and training are key determinants of success in the labour market. But unfortunately, existing systems are failing to address the learning needs of many young people, and surveys of learning outcomes and skills show that a large number of youth have low levels of achievement in basic literacy and numeracy. Skills and jobs for youth feature prominently in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and SDG target 4.4 calls for a substantial increase in the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills.

World Skills is proud to recognise World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) on 15 July 2019. Use #SkillsForAll and #WYSD to join World Skills, and the United Nations, to raise awareness about the importance of youth developing skills.

#SkillsForAll supports our view that everyone should have the opportunity to discover and develop their talents. Through skills individuals, communities, and countries can create a more prosperous future.

Visit the World Skills website for more.

Due to loss of some of our funding we were no longer able to afford to remain in our current office space. This meant staff were losing their office and meeting space, with no alternative place to work.

Shelley Black
CEO Fairweather