”Wear a Hat Day” for Brain Tumour Friday 29th March 2019

Posted: 28th Mar 2019

Friday 29th March it is ''Wear a Hat Day'' in aid for Brain Tumour research. This hat wearing day is a fun fund-raising event day to help find a cure for brain Tumours.  

Brain Tumours are indiscriminate; they can affect anyone at any age. What’s more, they kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer… yet historically just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease.

People all over the UK will be supporting this event by wearing hats! So, don’t be so creeped out if you notice a lot more people wearing hats (it’s not the sunny weather). We at Centric will be getting involved and wearing our hats too!

You might ask, what is the connection between wear a hat day and brain tumours. The connection is simple; wearing a hat is not only fashionable, fun and stylish. It draws attention to the head and brain tumours, a devastating and at times invisible disease. Wearing a hat or one of the specially designed hat-themed pin badges on Wear A Hat Day is a sign of support for Brain Tumour Research.





Check Centric Family getting involved and Wearing our hats 🙂 


Why not join thousands of people across the UK organising and taking part in colorful, hat-themed events. It  can be as simple as posting a hat selfie on Facebook and making a donation – but why not go for something much more ambitious? The bigger, the better. Why not try a Big Hatty Bake-off, Hat Fashion Show or even a Mad Hatter Dinner Dance?

Involve as many people as possible and, above all, make your event fun and memorable.

Following this link to find out more information.

If anybody you know or you yourself personally have been affected by brain Tumour, you are never alone, follow this link to get support.


Due to loss of some of our funding we were no longer able to afford to remain in our current office space. This meant staff were losing their office and meeting space, with no alternative place to work.

Shelley Black
CEO Fairweather