S.M.I.L.E Bikers and the Easter Bunny

Posted: 27th Apr 2022
S.M.I.L.E Bikers and Easter Bunny
An exciting combination of an Easter Bunny and a biker group took centre-stage at Romford-based charity SMILE’s recent fundraising event in the town centre.
The charity, which provides a range of support to those in the area going through a time of crisis, organised for the Brother and Sister Bikers group to drive up North Street and park outside its office provided by Centric Community Projects on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 6.
A range of refreshments, face paints and crafts were also set up to entertain people stopping by with the added opportunity of a meet-and-greet with the Easter Bunny.
Maria Quaife, founder of SMILE, said in just one hour, the event raised £575 and had more than 100 Easter eggs donated.
David Tyler, the charity’s office manager, said: “It was a fantastic day made more enjoyable by the great turnout.
“Nobody was really sure how it would turn out, but as soon as the bikers turned up, we got quite a crowd.”
“We would all just like to say thank you to the Brother and Sister Bikers club,” he said, adding there are potential plans to organise another event together closer to Christmas.