Giving Back

Posted: 28th Nov 2019

Goodwill Christmas

We are rapidly approaching Christmas. The season of joy and goodwill. Yet how many of us think about giving back to society during this festive period?

There are lots of ways to assist in your local community. For example, you could assist a local organisation who are preparing a Christmas dinner for the homeless, the elderly or vulnerable people who are alone at this time of the year. A great place to find out about local opportunities would be a site enabling you to search positions available in your local area.

Most big supermarkets offer a drop off point for local food banks, remember that anything that you donate should be non-perishable. Alternatively, you could run a reverse advent calendar in your workplace or within your circle of friends and then deliver the donated goods directly to your local food bank.

Another fun way of giving back during December is the Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day, which happens on Friday 13th December. If you sign up now you will get a pack of fun things to do during the day whilst donating towards proving a better future for our children.

If you have an other ideas that you would like us to promote on our news page then please drop us an email to [email protected]


We are saving about £30,000 a year on storage space for all of our donated items.

Mission Direct