Equality Exhibition Launch

Posted: 24th Oct 2014

Equality Exhibition arrives in Coventry

Lord Mayor of Coventry, Councillor Hazel Noonan officially opened the “Equality Exhibition” at Coventry Point, Market Way, Coventry this week. The Exhibition has been produced to further your knowledge of the history of Equality movement. This first Exhibition covers the Equality of women dating back as far as 1860 and includes banners showcasing women of influence and power, who would not be in their roles had it not been for the movement of women’s equality.

The Exhibition is open Monday to Friday 10am – 3pm from now until the 31st October 2014. If you are interested in coming along to view then please contact the Centric Team on 01908 667750 or alternatively drop in and be greeted by our reception team on site.



The Exhibition will be stopping at various points throughout the country and will continue to grow in content. The next topic to be introduced will be “Racial Equality”. For further information on other dates and venues please click on this link.

If you would like to watch the video of the opening ceremony then please click here to visit our youtube channel.


Thank you Centric, landlords, and everyone who’s played a part in establishing this fantastic community resource in Brighton. You’ve made a crucial difference to the development of our charity and the health and well-being of a large number of people in need

Gary Pargeter
Project Manager Lunch Positive