Croydon Event

Posted: 2nd Apr 2019

Take the mic!

Saturday 31st March saw the 2nd event that we have hosted for the Alexander Paul Organisation. Joanna Brown led a group discussion inspired by the poetry written by her son Alexander ‘King’ Paul at our venue in Croydon. These poems deals with a range of emotions including those of  mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety alongside topics such as the disaffected youth, violent crime and street families.

These events are free to attend and the open discussions are an opportunity for you to speak up about your experiences and feelings on a whole range of subjects. We are hoping to host further events with Joanna and some of Alexander’s friends in Mayfair sometime in June. If you would like to be placed on the mailing list for further information then please send an Email to [email protected] with a title of ‘Take the mic’ and we will be in touch with news of future events.


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