Lunch Positive’s 6th Birthday!

Posted: 28th May 2015

Lunch Positive invites you to celebrate together on the 6th June

lunch positive 2

The Lunch Positive Charity in Brighton supports people who are living with and affected by HIV.

Lunch Positive provide a lunch club where you are able to sit down have a tea or coffee and just have a talk or do whatever is good for you! They also serve enjoyable healthy food.

Along with the lunch club they provide plenty of advice, support and information on healthy eating and nutrition, as well as information on other local groups and services.

Lunch Positive have been with us at Centric for over a year now. They occupy a shop from us in Eastbourne. We have built a fantastic relationship and have been previously thanked in playing a part in establishing community resource in Brighton.

Picture below: Shop in Eastbourne

lunch positive shop


Gary Pargeter, Trustee at Lunch Positive has said that we at Centric have made a crucial difference to the development of the charity and the health and wellbeing of a large number of people in need.

6th bday

So Lunch Positive has its 6th Birthday coming up on the 6th June.

They would like to invite all friends and supporters!

See flyer below:

lunch positive

This is a public event and is in celebration of all volunteering, togetherness and community.

We encourage you to try and go along, bring your friends, families, service users, volunteers and even colleagues. Lunch Positive wants to celebrate with as many people as possible!

This will be held at Dorset Gardens Peace Park in Brighton. There is no need to confirm your attendance but is very helpful if you are able to.


The Golden Handbag Awards!

golden handbag awrds

Lunch Positive has been entered for a Golden Handbag Award. The Golden Handbag Award is a recognition of local LGBT & HIV community work. The voting is now only open for a few more weeks.

So please vote via the below link for Lunch Positive as your favourite HIV organisation this year! It’s so quick and easy! And all your votes would be much appreciated.


We are saving about £30,000 a year on storage space for all of our donated items.

Mission Direct